• 우리의 안전성

Safety is one of the most important facts for a healthy life.

We need to consider the safety of cosmetics that we come in contact everyday in our daily life.
COSMAX places the highest priority on consumer safety and strives to ensure safety at all stages from raw material selection to product production.

Regulation is the key to safeguard product safety.

The regulations are built based on each country’s circumstances. COSMAX reviews not only their own country’s regulations, but also each country’s requirements on a regular basis.

Cosmetic products are easily accessible to all various people. However, some ingredients in products can have irritation reactions on certain people.

It is important to find out what causes this, but also to acknowledge the potential risk is also important too. To prevent potential risk, COSMAX performs Preservative test, Micro test, Heavy Metal, Allergen analysis, and RIPT test.

COSMAX products are controlled from raw material to finished good by reviewing documents, checking regulations, and performing safety test to guarantee product safety.